Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities.
Orthodontics is the straightening of teeth with the use of removable or fixed appliances. The fixed appliances are either the conventional “train track” braces or lingual braces (braces on the inside of the teeth). Invisalign is an example of a clear braces which is a removable appliance.
Crooked and crowded teeth are hard to clean and maintain. This can result in tooth decay, worsen gum disease and lead to tooth loss. Improper oral health can lead to many other medical diseases as well. Teeth that are properly aligned are easier to brush and floss. This wil l allow you to maintain your oral health much easier. Other orthodontic problems can contribute to abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, inefficient chewing function, excessive stress on gum tissue and the bone that supports the teeth, or misalignment of the jaw joints. These can lead to chronic headaches and face or neck pain.
Treatment by an orthodontist can be less costly than the additional care required to treat dental problems arising as a result of orthodontic problems.
Early treatment on kids often helps making room for the permanent teeth before they erupt into the mouth. When kids have teeth that are crowded and orthodontic treatment has not begun the likelihood that permanent teeth will need to be removed increases. Today we have the technology to intercept severe crowding and decrease the chances of this. Severe overbite (when upper teeth protrude or stick out over the lower teeth) will leave the upper f ront teeth unprotected and make them more susceptible to chipping, breaking and even avulsion (knocking your teeth out) with mouth trauma. With orthodontic treatment the upper front teeth will sit more closely to the lower front teeth and decrease the chances of tooth trauma. Crossbites (where the upper teeth are on the inside of the lower) can result in unfavorable growth and uneven tooth wear or even jaw problems later in life.
Self image and self esteem are closely related to a person’s smile. Studies have shown that individuals feel better about themselves with the completion of orthodontic treatment and have a higher self esteem and self confidence which will benefit you for the rest of your life. Having a beautiful, confident smile will be a lifelong benefit for you or your child.
Phase I, or early interceptive treatment, is limited orthodontic treatment (e.g., expander or braces on some of the teeth) before all of the permanent teeth have erupted. Such treatment can occur between the ages of six and ten. This treatment is sometimes recommended to make more space for developing teeth, Creating facial symmetry through influencing jaw growth, correction of crossbites, overbites (Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth), and underbites, or harmful oral habits. Severe overbites, excessive overjet (how far the upper teeth protrude over your lower teeth), openbites and underbites are sometimes very difficult to correct. It is sometimes important to take advantage of orthodontic treatment before growth is complete.
Therefore, Phase I treatment is sometimes beneficial and it may reduce the treatment time with braces in the phase II. Phase II treatment is also called comprehensive treatment because it involves full braces when all of the permanent teeth have erupted, usually between the ages of 11 and 13.
It is quite common to believe that braces are only suitable for children and adolescents. People ten d to think “It’s too late for me anyway”, but they are often mistaken.Orthodontic treatment can be successful at any age and adults especially appreciate the benefits of a beautiful smile. Teeth are still movable in the adult population because the biological process allowing tooth movement is the same as in children. There are a few differences in adult and children’s orthodontic treatment, mainly the lack of growth in adults inhibiting some of the corrections possible in children. If the adult patient’s problems are largely due to a discrepancy in the jaws, a combined approach including orthodontics and orthognathic “jaw” surgery is possible. This treatment option can achieve very dramatic improvements in the appearance of the face and function of the jaws and teeth.
Orthodontic treatment for adults is often indicated to aid in tre atment planned by one’s general dentist. This combined approach is often best when teeth are missing or mal-shaped and are planned to be replaced or restored with crowns, bridges or implants. The orthodontic treatment is designed to properly reposition the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth site so that an ideal sized and shaped replacement tooth can be fabricated. Also, teeth that are overlapped and crowded can be straightened so that better access for cleaning can be achieved.
Adults also may have experienced some breakdown or loss of their teeth and bone that supports the teeth and may require periodontal treatment before, during, and/or after orthodontic treatment. Bone loss can also limit the amount and direction of tooth movement that is advisable.
Many studies have shown that untreated malocclusions (or a bite that is not ideal) can result in a variety of problems. Malocclusions are many times impossible to see with an untrained eye. The teeth may “look” fine, when actually there may be problems with the way the teeth fit together. An orthodontist has 2-3 additional years of specialty train ing after the completion of dental school.They are trained to look at and treat the crowding of teeth, how the bite fits together, and how the teeth will fit with the young and adult face.
Orthodontic appliances can be made of metal, ceramic or plastic (like Invisalign®), they may be removable or they may be brackets bonded to the teeth. The brackets that are placed on your teeth and the archwire that connects them are the main components. When the archwire is placed into the brackets, it tries to return to its original shape.
As it does so, it applies pressure to move your teeth to their new, more ideal positions. By placing a constant, gentle for ce braces slowly move teeth to a corrected position. Now is a great time for your orthodontic treatment! You can choose brackets that are clear or metal or you may be a candidate for Invisalign®. You can also choose the color of the ties for your brackets. Wires are also less noticeable than they used to be and the latest materials move teeth faster with less discomfort. How long does orthodontic treatment take? Treatment times vary on a case-by-case basis, but the average time is from one to two years. Actual treatment time can be affected by rate of growth and severity of the correction necessary. Treatment length is also dependent upon patient compliance. Maintaining good oral hygiene and keeping regular appointments are important in keeping treatment time on schedule.
The placement of bands and brackets on your teeth does not hurt. Once your braces are placed and connected with the archwires you may feel some soreness of your teeth for one to four days. Your lips and cheeks may need one to two weeks to get used to the braces on your teeth. During the first few days after your braces are placed, you may possibly have a little discomfort. We recommend that you take Paracetamol while you adjust to your new braces.
Good oral hygiene is very important to prevent decalcification of the teeth. By ensuring good tooth brushing the effects of decalcification can be minimized and prevented. Resorption of the roots can also occur to a small degree. This can happen through out life regardless of braces. One key factor which increases the risk of root resorption is the length of time in braces. So again not breaking the brace is very important so as not to extend the treatment time